jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Why did you choose your career?

When I was a child I wanted to be a pediatrician because I liked to go to the peditrician. Then I was interested in being a veterinary surgeon because I used to love all animals. But then I grew up I removed all those ideas and  I decided not to worry about that.

Every year in my school an exhibition of some university happened. And when I was 15 years old I didn´t know what to study so I looked all the stands without success. However when I looked for second time I saw a leaflet in one of the stands. The leaflet said Food Engineering in the title. When I grabbed the leaflet a boy told me "that comes with a bracelet". I make the most of the situation and I asked about the career. He told me everything about the career and I got so excited that I decided to investigate more about that. After investigating I realized that I wanted to study Food Engineering.
Since that year I started to worry about what university I was going to go, I had 3 options but the harder option was the Universidad de Chile so I started to make an effort because I like challenges.

This year I joined Universidad de Chile. Until now my experience here is different from what I  thought because I don't like online classes very much. Anyway I'm happy because this is the career that I wanted.

I would like to work in a food industry because I think it is a very interesting area. Or maybe I would like to work making my own food. I really don't know for sure but I still have time to decide.

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