jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

An expert in my field

I really don't know about many expert people  in my field, even I know I could talk about a lot of people because the food field is so big. However I decided to look for information on the internet and I found about Nicolás Appert, he was a  French chemist that invented the thermal process to preserve food in 1791 and he published a book called 'El arte de conservar durante varios años todas las sustancias animales y vegetales' in 1810.

I think this man was a real genius because he discovered the system of conservation wich is an important discovery in the history of food, I think that the fact that we can preserve different types of food for a long time and also being this food edible, is very interesting, and that this happened about 200 years ago and now, it is so useful to all the people, is amazing. Besides the food quality increases with this process. Also he established the first factory of preservers.

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