miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

A Subject I enjoyed studying this semester

Hello, It's me again. This year I started the university and I think my favorite subject is General Chemistry. Here we have learned about basic concepts of chemistry for now. In this subject we have seen a lot of contents like atomic models, chemical bonds, inorganic nomenclature, chemical reacts, stoichiometry, solutions and more.

I like this subject because it is the only one that I can understand easily and when I study any content I feel they are interesting and I have fun when I'm trying to resolve exercices even when I can't resolve them because they are difficult. Also I think that my interest in Chemistry comes since the school because when I was 15 years old I enjoyed explaining to my friends the contents for the tests and then we all had good grades. Although actually I can´t say that everything is perfect because sometimes I get frustrated because a few reasons and then I don't enjoy that much the subject but anyways it is an interesting subject.

jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

An expert in my field

I really don't know about many expert people  in my field, even I know I could talk about a lot of people because the food field is so big. However I decided to look for information on the internet and I found about Nicolás Appert, he was a  French chemist that invented the thermal process to preserve food in 1791 and he published a book called 'El arte de conservar durante varios años todas las sustancias animales y vegetales' in 1810.

I think this man was a real genius because he discovered the system of conservation wich is an important discovery in the history of food, I think that the fact that we can preserve different types of food for a long time and also being this food edible, is very interesting, and that this happened about 200 years ago and now, it is so useful to all the people, is amazing. Besides the food quality increases with this process. Also he established the first factory of preservers.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

A band I like

Hello, today I'm going to make the most difficult post for me until now because I really like listening to music and I have a lot of singers and bands that I like so it's very hard to choose only one. After thinking a lot about that I decided to talk about 5 Seconds of Summer. 

They are Australian and they started their career oficially in 2012 making covers of different songs. Then they were supporting artists in One Direction's concerts in 2013 and I think from that year they became more famous. I met them in 2014 with their song 'She Looks So Perfect'. Besides they play pop/rock music.

I really like this band because of many reasons. First of all, I really love the rhythm of their songs as much as I like the lyrics. In second place, I think they are very good human beings and they are so close to topics of mental health issues. There is a special phrase that is 'real bands save fans, real fans save bands' and this phrase symbolizes the connection of the band feels with their fans and vice versa and I feel comfortable with that.

My favorite song it is 'Safety Pin' from their 'Sounds Good Feels Good' album, one of my favorite albums together with 'Youngblood' album . However I enjoy listening to all of their songs in their four oficial albums and covers.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2020

A Photograph I like

I have always liked landscape photos, so it's hard to pick only one. However I have chosen this one because I really love snow. I feel it gives a sense of tranquility and peace. Also I like the detail of the reflection of the grove in the lake. I don't have any idea of who took this photograph or when it was taken but I can say that the photographer has a good eye to take pictures because I think that take a photograph requires to be able to see things that other can't see.

Taking this photo must have been hard because of the cold. And doubtlessly I can say that nature is beautiful in all its shapes.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

My Best Friend

In my opinion, best friends are people who are always there for you and my experience with some friends has been a little adverse over the last years. However, there is a person that I can call my best friend and her name is Catalina. She is a lovely person and she is a really good listener. We have a lot of things in common so I always have a good time when we spend time together.

I met Catalina at Colegio Preciosa Sangre when I was 11 years old. We were in the same school year but she was in the class "B" and I was in the class "A". Although we were not close friends until we got to our last years of higschool. So I can say that we have been friends for a long time.

I consider her my best friend because I feel that over the time we have learned to trust each other and I can talk about everything with her. I think my best memory with her is when my friends and I made her a surprise party for her birthday, besides that was the last time we all got together before the quarantine.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

My Favorite Piece of Technology

I think that my favorite piece of technology is my phone because it is the one piece of technology that I can understand easily. I got my first phone when I was 9 years old but with the years I had to change it because it became old-fashioned. Now I have a new cell phone and I use it for many things like searching for information and seeing the notifications of U-cursos. Also I use my phone to chat with my friends and  I have a lot of apps that I use to see funny videos or listen to music or also play games.

I use my phone everyday because it's so comfortable and I can carry it everywhere. Also I like my phone because I can personalize it by using phone cases and my phone looks so lovely.

I think my life without my phone would be boring because I use it for many things that make me feel happy but anyway If I didn't have my phone I know that I could find other ways to follow with my life without problem.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Why did you choose your career?

When I was a child I wanted to be a pediatrician because I liked to go to the peditrician. Then I was interested in being a veterinary surgeon because I used to love all animals. But then I grew up I removed all those ideas and  I decided not to worry about that.

Every year in my school an exhibition of some university happened. And when I was 15 years old I didn´t know what to study so I looked all the stands without success. However when I looked for second time I saw a leaflet in one of the stands. The leaflet said Food Engineering in the title. When I grabbed the leaflet a boy told me "that comes with a bracelet". I make the most of the situation and I asked about the career. He told me everything about the career and I got so excited that I decided to investigate more about that. After investigating I realized that I wanted to study Food Engineering.
Since that year I started to worry about what university I was going to go, I had 3 options but the harder option was the Universidad de Chile so I started to make an effort because I like challenges.

This year I joined Universidad de Chile. Until now my experience here is different from what I  thought because I don't like online classes very much. Anyway I'm happy because this is the career that I wanted.

I would like to work in a food industry because I think it is a very interesting area. Or maybe I would like to work making my own food. I really don't know for sure but I still have time to decide.

A Subject I enjoyed studying this semester

Hello, It's me again. This year I started the university and I think my favorite subject is General Chemistry. Here we have learned abou...